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4 Types of People Who Should Avoid Apprenticeships

4 Types of People Who Should Avoid Apprenticeships

Are you thinking about diving into the exciting world of apprenticeships? Hold on! Before you dive head-first into a 1-3+ year commitment, let’s explore who might not suit the ‘apprenticeship lifestyle’.

Yep. You guessed it. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to career paths. Everyone has their own unique skills, situations, interests and goals.

“But an apprenticeship should be able to suit everyone right?”

…Not exactly…

Let’s uncover the types of people for whom apprenticeships might not be the perfect fit, and why:

1. The Instant Gratification Chaser

Apprenticeships are a journey, not a microwave meal. So, if you’re an individual seeking instant gratification or quick results, the apprenticeship route might test your patience. The gratification is certainly there, but it often only comes with your commitment, perseverance, and consistency over (at least) a 1 year period.

If this sounds like you, and you still want an apprenticeship, then you’ll have to change your expectations. Nothing worth having comes easy! Focus on the goal in sight and commit fully to learning and applying what you learn in your work.

If you’re still too impatient for that and would rather shoot up the career ladder faster than a caffeinated squirrel, then look to intensive courses or bootcamps. But BE WARNED, these short, intensive training methods are not for the faint-hearted and have their own unique pro’s and con’s! Always do your own research to solidify your choice.

2. The Professional Procrastinator

Do you have a black belt in leaving things until the last minute? Well apprenticeships will certainly be your downfall.

Apprenticeships require consistent effort and efficient time management. Often you are assessed throughout the duration of the apprenticeship, as opposed to a singular set of ‘final exams’. So, if your motto is “Why do today what you can do tomorrow?” you might want to reflect on your priorities. On the flip side, an apprenticeship may actually help a ‘professional procrastinator’ master the art of discipline by breaking those bad habits at an early stage of their career.

If this person sounds more like you, my advice is to read this book to ‘cure’ your procrastination. Or if you’re somehow a demonic combination of the ‘Professional Procrastinator’ AND ‘Instant Gratification Chaser’ and cant read a book, then watch a short book summary of the key teachings here.`

3. The Lone Wolf

Apprenticeships thrive on a collaborative environment where you’ll be working closely with mentors, educators, and fellow apprentices. And if you’re the type of person who prefers the company of their own thoughts and ideas, you might find group projects and mentorship a tad overwhelming.

So if you’re an independent spirit, there are still many alternative routes to skill-building / career-advancement that will allow you to maintain your personal autonomy. Look into freelancing, self-paced online courses or entrepreneurial ventures in your chosen discipline, as these may align more closely with your preferences. However, it’s good to remember that stepping out of your comfort zone more often leads to dramatic growth, so don’t give up on apprenticeship opportunities completely!

4. The Risk-Averse Perfectionist

Finally we have the type of person that I most align with – “The Perfectionist”.

Perfectionism, whilst admirable, can sometimes become a roadblock. If you find yourself in this category, rest assured that your attention to detail and pursuit of excellence are indeed strengths. But, apprenticeships are about growth, exploration (and yes) making mistakes along the way. If you can’t stand the idea of not getting everything right from the start, you might miss out on the valuable learning that comes from imperfection.

So, to fully blossom in an apprenticeship, you will have to get used to taking calculated risks and working to time constraints. If a client wants your “Local Duck Population” report and you’ve not finished adding enough details or fancy Canva graphics, too late! You’ve got to send it.

To Conclude…

Just because an apprenticeship might not be the perfect fit today, doesn’t mean it won’t be a great choice down the road. People change and circumstances shift. So whether you’re a caffeinated squirrel or a professional procrastinator, there’s a whole world of educational opportunities out there for you. Ready? Set… Glow! ⭐

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