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Alternative paths to success: Apprenticeships

When you think of the typical successful person what do you immediately think of? I know that for many people their first thought is of a high achieving academic who has studied their field at university and worked their way up within their industry, and for many years this was the best path to a ‘successful career’ however, times are changing and this is no longer the only route to success.

You may be considering your choices right now for university…but have you gave apprenticeships a thought? Let’s hear from Lewis, an apprenticeship network member who is currently carrying out a digital marketing apprenticeship at Google in London.

“Although I had 3 unconditional offers for university, I knew this wasn’t the right path for me as I learn by doing and not by listening or writing notes. I also wanted to earn a salary and not be under pressure from student debt in years to come. I applied for an Apprenticeship at Google where I study an industry recognised qualification with Multiverse for 20% of my week and work within the Google Marketing department for the other 80% of my time. I have already led two of the biggest marketing campaigns of the year and I have built up invaluable industry experience, alongside this I now have a massive network of connections to back me up throughout the rest of my career. I would highly recommend considering an Apprenticeship”

As you can see, our community member Lewis chose an alternative path to success and hasn’t looked back since. If this sounds interesting to you – sign up to our Apprenticeship Network community today and stay up to date!

~The Apprenticeship Network

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