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7 Reasons an apprenticeship is right for ME

Asking yourself whether an apprenticeship is right for you?

Congratulations! The fact that you are even considering your options means that you are someone who is already engaged with your future career and striving to make an informed decision on the path you want to take.

I am an apprentice currently working for Google, and here are my reasons why an apprenticeship would be right for you…

A group of apprentices sitting round computers, laughing

You work best through hands on activities, and you learn through doing tasks.

Apprenticeships are great for kinetic learners, as they begin working straight away. You learn through valuable experience and the mistakes and victories.

You are self motivated and can take accountability for your work into your own hands

Being an apprentice, you must be able to find your own opportunities to take on projects within your role.

You want to avoid student loans

The great thing about apprenticeships is that you are paid for your time. So you walk out of an apprenticeship with qualifications and money in your pocket.

You want a head start in your industry

Now, more companies are beginning to value higher level apprenticeships as much as degrees.

You can apply for a grad role after a 1 year apprenticeship course, and so you are 2 years ahead of anyone taking a bachelors (I repeat: no uni debt!).

You know which industry you are interested in

There are now so many different job roles that offer apprentices, they aren’t all technical, but there are some fantastic technical ones too! Speaking to people you admire in the industry is a fantastic way to see if an apprenticeship is an appropriate option.

You don’t mind sacrificing the ‘uni experience’

One of the main reasons people look forward to going to Uni is for the university experience. Don’t let that be the only reason you go to uni, because it is a very expensive way to make friends.

So, if you have friends at uni, you can go visit them at the weekends! Plus, you can always go to uni afterwards if you felt like you missed out. Some degree apprenticeships will even take place on uni campus.

You think that an apprenticeship feels right for you.

Apply! Don’t be disheartened by a failed application, it happens to everyone.

Apply to as many as you can, and let the companies know why you can be an amazing apprentice.

Apprentices must show that they are driven, keen and ambitious.

Thanks for reading this article. To find out more about apprenticeships, join the apprentice network – so you may connect with apprentices and training providers all over the UK.

So Apply for apprenticeships now at some of the following websites:

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I wish you the best of luck on your journey 🙂

an apprentice organising their day on microsoft calender
An image of somebody studying

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