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5 Tips for Starting an Apprenticeship

Are you about to start an apprenticeship? If so, congratulations! We hope you find these tips useful as you enter the world of work…

Ask Questions

When you want to make a good impression starting your apprenticeship, it’s only natural to want to appear like you know it all. In an environment where everyone seems to do their jobs with ease, admitting that you don’t know something can be scary. However, the whole point of your apprenticeship is to learn. Your employer will expect you to be asking questions regularly. Whether it’s about an aspect of your job, the company as a whole or you’ve just heard a word you don’t understand. Asking someone shows that you’re keen to learn.

Learn how to manage your time during your apprenticeship

If you’ve come to your apprenticeship straight from school or college, you will be used to having a similar routine each week. Now that you have started your apprenticeship, this routine might be different. Your days are split between time at the office and learning. You may need to organise some time for studying for your qualification, too. Take some time working out a system for staying on track, whether it’s scheduling a set of reminders on your phone or using a Google calendar.

Maintain a positive attitude

As you set out on your new apprenticeship, it’s vital to remain enthusiastic about every task ahead. A positive outlook won’t go unnoticed by the people you are working with. It’s one of the best ways to make a lasting impression on the company you are part of. It’s also important that you enjoy your new position, and by making a choice to stay positive you are going to have a great time!

Make apprenticeship friends

The people you meet on your new apprenticeship might end up being key influences in your career, so it’s important to get to know them. But this can seem like a daunting task when many of these people might be older than you. Remember your first day at school, when you didn’t know anyone? How did you get to know people? Chances are, you went up to someone and asked what their name was and what class they were in…and before long you had made a friend. It’s no different in the workplace – asking someone’s name and position in the company is a great place to start.

Be honest

Our last tip might seem obvious, but it’s easier said than done. Honesty shows that you are mature, that you are willing to own up to mistakes and that you can be trusted by your employer. For example, if you’ve slept through your alarm and you know you’re going to be late, calling your boss straight away shows them that you care about being on time for work. Mistakes are bound to happen – but it’s how you deal with them that makes the impact.

If you have any other questions, check out!

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