Promoting Apprenticeships in the UK  

Breaking the Stigma of Apprenticeships

I believe that apprenticeships are the way forward, unfortunately there is still a stigma around them. As an individual who has always been academic, the idea of going to university never really appealed to me. However my secondary school and college never really promoted any other options. One teacher in particular told me I couldn’t be successful without a degree. I told her that I was applying for an apprenticeship for the BBC. She told me that I should not even bother with the role as I would never get it and even if I did I would only be making cups of tea. Granted, I never got the job at BBC, instead I landed a role at one of the top tech companies in the world, Google. I am now working as a digital marketing apprentice, obtaining valuable work experience and making an impact on the company, not making cups of tea. If I had listened to my teacher, I would not be in this position I am today. 

My hope is that schools in the upcoming years will begin to recognise the benefits of an apprenticeship. University is not for everyone and students should not be made to feel that this is their only option. To break the stigma, more discussions need to be had on apprenticeships and all the amazing opportunities they provide. 

Here are just a handful of reasons that I chose to become an apprentice and why you should consider becoming one too: 

  • 90% of apprentices progress into full time employment after completing their apprenticeship scheme. This is even higher when looking at Advanced or higher apprenticeships. However, only 69% of UK university graduates are employed within the UK or abroad. This demonstrates how effective apprenticeships are, as you are given the opportunity to progress, no matter which type of apprenticeship you are in.
  • Most sixth form/ college students go on to University, completing a degree that they will probably never even use in their working life. Personally, I would prefer not using my valuable time studying a subject that may not be relevant to my career at all, but each to their own. 
  • You get to acquire further qualifications and more hands-on experience within the workplace. This works for me as I enjoy learning more in a practical environment and believe that gaining experience as opposed to theoretical knowledge is much more beneficial.
  • Another benefit is you are able to earn money whilst in education. The average debt that a university graduate is left with in the UK is £44,000. If you were to ask anyone whether they would rather be earning money or getting themselves into debt, I think I know what their answer would be…

I hope this helps break the stigma of apprenticeships and encourages more young people to see them as an option. 

When deciding on an apprenticeship I feel that it’s important for you to consider your strongest qualities, and those qualities that you wish to improve. Remember that an apprenticeship is your opportunity to better yourself; the whole purpose is to enhance the qualities that are required for the specific role you’ve applied for, don’t think you have to be perfect in order to apply!

Want to employ an apprentice or become an apprentice? Get in contact with us!

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