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Apprenticeships – Kick starting your career

Leaving school can be daunting, no one really knows what the next step is or what it should be. Why not do an apprenticeship? You’ll earn impressive qualifications, great skills, and an amazing CV – all while getting paid! If you’re new to working life, bored of your job or just eager to gain new skills. But if you have the ambition to work your way into the career you want, an apprenticeship could be for you!



Apprenticeships allow you to get real,  practical experience in a job role, learning the right skills in a real environment which is exactly the kind of experience that employers look for when recruiting new staff.

The support you get while you train is unlike any other. This will be from working alongside experienced people in your workplace and from specialist trainers from your apprenticeship training provider who are there to help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

Learn skills that you can transfer when you leave. As apprentices do real jobs in real work environments, you gain the softer skills that will help you throughout your career and make you more confident such as team working, effective communication and problem solving. These skills are the things that will get you hired anywhere you go.


Enjoying what you do is important. Not only are apprenticeships a great way to really understand an industry and find a career that you enjoy, as with many workplaces you get to meet different people and make new friends.

It’s an opportunity to stand out from the crowd. Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain access to a company or a sector you want to work in, and if you do a really good job and become a valued member of the team it will put you in a strong position when there are permanent job opportunities.

Graduate often feel scared leaving University and applying for jobs. School leaver apprentices, on the other hand, feel that they are naturally stepping up from school into their career, so are more willing to embrace the inevitable junior aspects of any first job.


Apprenticeships give you career choices. People often think that apprenticeships are for certain technical and practical jobs such automotive technician or hairdressing. However nowadays there are apprenticeships in most sectors from digital marketing through to law and new apprenticeships are being developed all the time.

Employers – what’s your benefit?

Many businesses see the additional value an apprenticeship programme now provides. Businesses are able to train an apprentice in exactly the field they need experts in. It brings a clear emphasis on skill and behaviour development and can offer extra support, pastoral care, mentoring and regular coaching from a combination of in-house personnel and the chosen training provider.

So Sign up Today and join the Apprenticeship Network!

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