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How To Become A Successful Apprentice

School can be a challenging, yet fun, place and not knowing what to do afterwards can be quite scary. From talks about what university, jobs and even apprenticeships.

If an apprenticeship is the route you choose to go down, this blog will help you to become a successful apprentice. An apprenticeship provides you with the experience of both learning and working. Rather than diving straight into the deep end of work, you’re given the opportunity to gain experience and get paid. All these decisions can be quite daunting, from what course would you like to apply for and what company would you like to work for.


Always ask questions, no matter what. There is never a stupid question, and when you get those answers ‘absorb’ them like a sponge. Say yes to every opportunity and learn from them.


Learn how to manage your time well. Complete tasks a couple of days before submission, check over any errors. Sort out your diary so you know when meetings will occur. Put documents into files and filter through emails to different files.


Share your thoughts and feelings, communicate. If you have a crazy workload discuss this, if you believe you can take on more ask for it. Either way you will be respected if you are honest, and most importantly don’t be afraid to ask for help. This will help to increase your productivity and performance.


Positive attitude and enthusiasm is contagious which will get you recognised within a company and your apprenticeship. Be eager and willing to learn. Own the work that you produce, whether that be the smallest or largest task, all these tasks are important no matter the size.

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