Thinking About Apprenticeships- Apprentice Edition
Here at the Apprenticeship Network we strive ourselves to give out the best information on Apprenticeships to help both Apprentices and Employers. So with that being said here is a quick guide on what to do if you are thinking about Apprenticeship and what you can do to find the perfect resources to help you get hired.
Step 1- Find Out What Your Good At
I know when we try to think about what we’re good at or enjoy it can be quite daunting but it does help when looking for an apprenticeship. Finding out what you like to do or enjoy help plus its a bonus for your career as you will enjoy what you do.
Go through your daily activities and list all the ones you enjoy the most, then put them on a number scale. With that scale research if those activities can be transformed into a career. If so research the requirements for chosen career and see if they offer an apprenticeship option.
Most careers will allow for an apprenticeship option as an alternative to Traditional Higher Education like University.
Step 2- Free Courses to Stand Out
Relating to Step 1, online courses can help you stand out from the crowd during applications plus it make you look like a more well rounded individual if you do them.
There are many free online course websites you can choose from like FutureLearn, Google Digital Garage, Alison and OpenLearn. These are just to name a few but make sure you get certification of your learning because you maybe asked your Interview.
Step 3- Podcasts/Workshops
Alongside Online Courses, Podcasts & workshops can also help you to stand out and get a better understanding of your job role/career. Podcasts are limitless with information and easily accessible.
But if your looking to watch rather than listen try a TED Talk for size.
Step 4- Application
If you’ve done everything before this step then well done to you, because you are now ready to apply for apprenticeships. Handy places to look for apprenticeships are LinkedIn, Apprenticeships.Gov, or specifically looking for a training provider that already has job listings try out Multiverse.
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