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How to get into digital marketing – securing a digital marketing apprenticeship

How to get into digital marketing – securing a digital marketing apprenticeship

If you’re reading this, you’re likely curious about how to start your career in digital marketing. Whilst many choose to take the traditional route of going to university, this isn’t always the best option for everyone. And, it certainly isn’t the only option available to you. 

Read on to find out all there is to know about securing a digital marketing apprenticeship. We’ll cover the benefits of a digital marketing apprenticeship, what to expect, and where to find one.

What is digital marketing? 

Before we crack on, let’s start by firstly laying out a definition of digital marketing. You need to be sure what your career has in store for you, right? 

Digital marketing can be defined as any means of advertising and selling that encompasses a digital element. This could be anything online or internet-connected, but there are many other different areas of digital marketing that you can choose to specialise in. 

Curious about what these channels are? Let’s take a quick look at them:

  • SEO
  • PPC
  • Social media marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Email

Depending on your goals and preference, you can either choose to specialise in all digital marketing areas or opt to be an ‘all rounder’. Both of these are perfectly viable options, the choice is entirely up to you. To find out more about these areas, check out our digital marketing specialist areas article.

Should you start a career in digital marketing?

So, how do you decide whether to jump into the world of digital marketing? It’s a fulfilling career with lots of opportunities and room to move around. But is the industry right for you? 

It’s worth asking yourself what your goals are and if they align with that of a digital marketer. Let’s explore some of the benefits of working within the digital marketing sector: 

  • Creativity – many digital marketing channels allow for creativity within day-to-day tasks. Creativity is often at the top of people’s lists of job requirements, so having the opportunity to get creative within your role is great!
  • Global – digital marketing is a global industry – there’s demand for digital marketing specialists all across the globe. This makes it an ideal career for someone who’s keen to travel whilst working, or relocate to another country. 
  • In-demand – in recent years, the demand for digital skills has grown significantly. There is even an ongoing skills gap, where employers are struggling to find qualified candidates to fill their digital positions. This makes digital marketing a future-proof career with lots of room for opportunity.

Why choose an apprenticeship in digital marketing?

Naturally, we think that securing a digital marketing apprenticeship is one of the best ways to go about getting into the industry. But that’s not just because apprenticeships are our thing, there are many benefits to choosing the route of an apprenticeship. 

Earn a decent salary 

In comparison to the debt you’d rack up whilst studying digital marketing at university, an apprenticeship will do the complete opposite. Apprenticeships pay a decent and often competitive salary, particularly when they are offered by reputable companies.

Despite popular belief, apprenticeships aren’t limited to independent companies – the likes of Google, Facebook and Wise are making the most of apprenticeship programs too! 

Get experience

Working within a digital marketing role while you learn will grant you the rare chance to build experience as you go. While those who choose the university route will know marketing in theory, their practical experience may be limited. 

As an apprentice, you’ll learn and gain invaluable skills to boost your career. There’s no better way to learn than doing, right? 

Stay on track with trends 

The marketing world is constantly shifting and changing – new trends, new platforms, new tools. If you’re learning digital marketing in an environment that isn’t hands-on, it’s easy to miss out on these developments. 

Since you’ll be working in the industry yourself, you’ll be able to keep up the pace and stay on top of current trends. While students without direct involvement may be out of touch, apprentices will have the chance to keep up with the industry as it grows. 

Gain an edge against competition 

Going to university is the more traditional route to getting into university. As it stands, university graduates may need to build up their CVs and go out of their way to set themselves apart from other candidates. 

By completing an apprenticeship, you’ll be able to stand out amongst other candidates. Whilst a degree is certainly impressive, an apprenticeship qualification showcases your dedication and time management skills. Since you’ll be committing your time to both a full time job and studying for a qualification, employers will be able to see just how committed you are to a career in digital marketing. 

4 tips for securing a digital marketing apprenticeship

By now, you’re probably eager to start your search for an opportunity as a digital marketing apprentice. Well, if that’s the case, then keep on reading. We’re going to lay out 4 tips for securing a digital marketing apprenticeship. 

Seek out apprenticeship providers

One of the best ways you can get your foot in the door is to register interest with an apprenticeship provider. Before you sign up, be sure to do some research and check if the provider has a good reputation and desirable positions in your field of choice. 

For example, Multiverse is a highly-rated apprenticeship provider with loads of great digital marketing positions available. 

Take additional courses 

There’s no better way to stand out amongst other candidates than by upskilling. By taking courses in your free time, you’ll not only build relevant skills but also showcase your drive and commitment to digital marketing. A great place to start is the free fundamentals of digital marketing course from google drive. 

If you’re hungry to build your skills beyond what Google Drive has to offer, you can start to explore other platforms. For example, FutureLearn has a range of available digital marketing courses to get you started. 

Decide on which channel you prefer

Some apprenticeships are general digital marketing practices whereas some are focused on specific channels. Before you commit to an apprenticeship, we recommend exploring each digital marketing channel in depth and deciding which route is best for you. 

If you’d like to explore different channels and build skills across areas like SEO, social media marketing and CRM, there are plenty of online courses available. 

Go to every interview you get

Not all roles will be perfectly suited to you – perhaps the location isn’t ideal or you aren’t passionate about the company itself. But don’t let that put you off of going to the interview! Each chance you get to attend an interview is helping build your confidence and interview skills. 

Take every opportunity you can get to be interview-ready for when the right role comes along. And who knows, you may end up having an incredible interview for a role you weren’t so sure about. 

What can you expect from a digital marketing apprenticeship

So, what exactly does a digital marketing apprenticeship entail? If you’re just starting your search for an apprenticeship, you may not be entirely sure what to expect when it comes to starting your new career. 

On the job training

As we’ve touched on throughout the article, you’ll be trained by your company as you progress throughout your apprenticeship. As well as on the job training, you’ll receive lessons and learning tools from your apprenticeship provider. The hands-on work and the educational material will set you up with a strong understanding of digital marketing. 

A qualification 

At the end of your apprenticeship, you’ll be given a formal qualification to prove your skills and experience. Digital marketing apprenticeships in the UK are typically accompanied by a level 3 diploma in digital marketing. This is a great opportunity to show your learned skills to future employers and have something to show for your time on the apprenticeship.

Typically, a digital marketing apprenticeship will last around 12 months, but with a 3 month cool-down period for your end assessment. 


As an apprentice, you’ll have the chance to meet other apprentices and network with a range of different people. You’ll likely meet many people within your company, but the support and guidance from your apprenticeship coach will also be invaluable. Meeting like-minded individuals within the industry is also a great way to make connections – so we encourage you to get involved in socials and networking events during your apprenticeship.


It’s clear that an apprenticeship makes for an incredible way to find yourself a digital marketing role. There are an array of benefits and opportunities in the apprenticeship realm – so why not start seeking one out today? 
We hope that this article has helped build your understanding of how to secure a digital marketing apprenticeship. Find out how to be successful in your apprenticeship in our recent article.

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