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3 reasons apprenticeships are better than university

3 Reasons why apprenticeships are better than going to University

The traditional route of higher education has been the standard path for students for the past 30 years! Here at the Apprenticeship Network, we think its time to debunk this conventional route and give people the opportunity to explore a path that’s more suited to them.

Here's our top 3 reasons why apprenticeships are better than University degrees:

  1. Better job security. A recent article by explained that almost 50% of University students felt unprepared for employment while 96% felt they faced barriers when applying for jobs. The biggest barrier students felt was having a lack of work experience that many employers now look for. While doing an apprenticeship, you’re going to be working and studying in a real work place environment. You’ll be to able to gain skills and knowledge that is vital to your industry. Once you have completed the apprenticeship, not only will you have a degree, but also work experience that employers look for. This will  put you in a much better position than any university student.
  2.  No student debt. It’s no secret that university is a costly expense, with the average student now paying just over £9000 per year! With an average course of 3 years, the standard student would be in a lifetime debt of just under £30,000. With an apprenticeship, not only will you have no debt , but you’ll actually earn a salary on top.
  3. Learn on the job. Doing an apprenticeship means working along side studying. This enables you to develop your skills in the workplace and you will pick up the key functional skills needed for you job. This will have endless benefits and will also mean your employability will increase, thus giving you more opportunities for job roles in the future.
"Getting my apprenticeship last year has allowed me to develop so many skills and qualities I need for my industry"
Emily Jackson
Digital Marketing Apprentice

Apprenticeships are being offered to more students now than ever before as the traditional route though University continues to be challenged. It’s a difficult choice to make which has a lot of factors to consider. Make sure to check our Apprenticeships page and do your research to pick which ever option feels right for you. Make sure to follow us on all our socials to keep up to date with the latest apprenticeship news and updates!

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