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Why Now is The Best Time To Hire An Apprentices?

There never is really a bad time to hire an apprentice. So, what makes now the best time then?

Around August/September there will be a spike in the number of companies looking for an apprentice as businesses return to normal after the summer break, addition to this companies have been restricted by the pandemic to find new talent.

Also, School and College students who have either finished their GCSE’s or A-levels will be getting their grades and deciding their first types towards their career. Students have also been restricted by the pandemic to explore different options like a degree apprenticeship.

This means that there will be a high demand for to hire apprentices during this time. Making it harder for you to get the right apprenticeship for your company.

Be two steps ahead.

Giving your company the head start to hiring an apprentice, will help save plenty of time and resources, the added benefit is that it will help you get the best pick the candidate that fits your company.

This will help avoid fierce competition in September to hiring an apprentice. September is also a busy time for school leavers. So, this will also help them make a better-informed decision as to what path they choose.

Students who have decided not to do an apprentice can choose to do further education. In addition to this is also the time when Students finalize their university choices, giving them the option to do an apprenticeship can open new ways for both your company and the candidate.

GCSE Students Celebrate Results
Student Celebrating GCSE’s Results

Future Proofing your business.

An apprenticeship program, which enables employers to play a more active role in shaping talent they need while also build a culture of ongoing learning and innovation.

Getting the young talent can help shape the future of the company, Apprentices can bring new ways of thinking to the company, can help the company stay more update to the current trend and what’s going on what the younger generation.

An apprentice is an keyhole that can help glimpse what the future generation of the workforce will be. Giving you the lens to help shape the industry.

Now is the time.

School leavers and College students present an exiting opportunity as they are keen to start a career they love and the support they will receive from you will help them build on skills they have already learnt.

August – September is a great time to recruit an apprentice. If you act now, before everyone else, your new apprentice will already be embedded into your business and working within your team.

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