Promoting Apprenticeships in the UK  

A Year on (My experience/ advice)

The apprenticeship

I came across Multiverse on the internet. It is a Professional Apprenticeship provider for young adults, giving them an alternative route to university. Whilst being able to gain a qualification and work full-time concurrently, this seemed like a no brainer for me. And so I decided to sign up and start applying for various apprenticeships in the London area. 

A few months passed of applying to different companies that facilitate the apprenticeship scheme. I then got an exciting interview request come through from a media agency based in Oxford Circus. The interview was successful and a few days later I got the job offer to work in the Paid Search Department during the apprenticeship. An offer I certainly could not refuse.

Life at the media agency

I settled in very quickly at my company due to the natural warmth and kindness within the office. They welcomed me instantly and made great friendships during the first few day. From my immediate team to the wider company, everyone made me feel at home. This really helped settle the nerves- making my experience an enjoyable one from the get-go.

What also helped me out a great deal, were my fellow apprentices who joined at the same time as me. Having people in my position to go through this experience with me has been great. We are always there to help each other when necessary and made sure we all got the best out of each other, both professionally and personally.

The media agency trip to Greece for the apprentices

Apprenticeship/ work balance

Both Multiverse and my company have been very accommodating in helping me work both on my apprenticeship as well as my work tasks. I started off by fitting the apprenticeship work around my daily work duties. But this wasn’t really working out for me as I was struggling to concentrate on one or the other. Therefore, I decided to work on my apprenticeship only on Fridays. Only 20% of my week is spent on focussing on completing apprenticeship tasks, this worked a charm.

Finding the right balance is the key to everything you do, both in the office and in your personal life. Making sure that you structure the right amount of time in your day-to-day life will lead to you to become a more successful individual. It will enable you to push yourself further in your own journey through life.

Apprenticeship header
Believe in yourself, motivate yourself and you will achieve your goals

Tips for a successful apprenticeship

If you like the sound of an apprenticeship in the media industry and want an alternative route to university, then I seriously recommend getting yourself enrolled into one. I guarantee that you will pick up many skills that will be intrinsic in your first few years to full time employment. Furthermore, the connections and friendships you build will only help you progress, both professionally and personally.

My advice for anyone starting an apprenticeship , would be to make sure that you are always communicating with your manager and apprenticeship coach. Make sure that they are in the loop on what you are doing and any help you may require along the way. They are there to assist you in your journey, so make sure to be open and honest with them. This will be the best way for you to complete the apprenticeship with as low stress as possible.

I struggled with this at the start but then realised that it’s ok to not know how to do something. Even if you think that it’s a task that can be easily completed. It’s better to ask for help than not and no one will look down at you. They will only be annoyed if you don’t ask for help and get the task completely wrong or don’t meet the deadlines set to you.

I would also recommend using all the material that the apprenticeship has to offer. With countless online talks, articles, and workshops, make sure you soak up as much knowledge as possible. This will make your apprenticeship run a lot smoother and will also make you are more competent apprentice. You can always pick up what you learn in your apprenticeship and apply it in your day-to-day work.

So what are you waiting for? Start your apprenticeship journey today!

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