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5 Tips For If You’re Curious About Apprenticeships

5 Tips For If You’re Curious About Apprenticeships


So, you’ve finished school and don’t know what to do next.  Or maybe you’re looking for a complete career overhaul and need to learn the basics in a new field.  Sounds like an apprenticeship might be right up your street! Apprenticeships are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to university.  Degrees just don’t hold the same weight in the job market as they did 30 years ago (plus they’re very expensive!), so you need something to set you apart from the crowd.  And what better way to prove yourself to an employer than gaining real-life work experience AND qualifications at the same time?  It’s win-win for everyone!  If this has pricked your ears up, here’s a few apprenticeship tips that might help set you on the path to greatness.

Experience Needed

The entry requirements for an apprenticeship are usually pretty basic, often only requiring a maths and English GCSE of C or above.  If you don’t have those, worry not.  You might have the option to take a functional skills test during the apprenticeship, depending on the provider.  Work experience is kind of the point of an apprenticeship, so it isn’t usually required to start one.  What’s more important is attitude, enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn.

Specific Company/Apprenticeship Provider

There’s a couple of different ways to go about finding an apprenticeship.  There are specific apprenticeship providers that help place you in a job role while you learn, such as Multiverse, Baltic and QA. Then there are specific companies that offer apprenticeships built into specific job roles, like Range Rover and Barclays.  It may depend on which industry you’re interested in, but it’s always best to shop around to see which option might suit you better.

Career Route Options

The scope of the industries in which apprenticeships are offered is vast.  Chances are that if you have a career path in mind, you can probably find an apprenticeship to start you off. is a great resource if you’re not sure exactly what you want to specialize in.  You can search by industry and see what kind of apprenticeships are available in your area – job specs, pay, career progression opportunities, the works.

Work and Learn

The crucial benefit of apprenticeships is that they offer the best of both worlds.  You gain real-world experience in a functioning workplace, which is invaluable in itself. You’re also allowed the focus time to study and improve your theoretical knowledge, which is rare in a normal role. Finally, you gain valuable qualifications to add to your CV, which can boost your career prospects even further.

Age Limit?

Once upon a time, it was much more common for apprentices to come straight out of school at 16 and into a placement.  Today, upskilling has no age limit!  It can be all too easy to get stuck in a career that you’re no longer passionate about (or never were) and think it’s impossible to try something new. It’s very easy to think that you’ve run out of time or that it’ll be too difficult.  Tis simply not true.  It is never too late to start again or learn something new. The only requirements are that you’re over 16 and not in full time education. That’s pretty much everyone!


Hopefully this list of apprenticeship tips has given you some insight into what to expect in an apprenticeship.  Of course, the best people to speak to are the ones already involved!  Check out other posts on The Apprenticeship Network from past and current apprentices, employers and training providers for more useful apprenticeship tips.

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