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Apprenticeship’s are for everyone!

Apprenticeship’s are for everyone!

Often when you hear the word apprenticeship, you think of school leavers who choose to go down the ‘learning on the job’ route rather than college or university. You may still be studying your A levels, finished university or seeking that dream career but you always thought, “I’m not qualified enough to do that.”

Well, look no further, because apprenticeships are your golden ticket!

My parents wanted me to be the first one to go to university in our family. I had to choose what degree was going to carve my professional life by the age of 18, balance studying hard whilst living in a new city with new friends, all whilst keeping a part-time job to make sure I could afford to live the student life that I desired! I completed my degree with a 2:1 and took the first step into working in the not-for-profit sector as my full-time occupation. Four and a half years I am now partway through my Digital Marketing apprenticeship with Multiverse to upskill in an area I had no experience in whatsoever.

My point is, apprenticeships are for everyone no matter your age, where you live, your background or your career – apprenticeships have become increasingly popular over the years as an alternate to the huge amount of debt you walk away with alongside your bachelor’s degree. 

Is an apprenticeship for you?

Becoming an apprentice gives you a real life, on the job learning experience. You typically will work across the whole team (that is relevant to your apprenticeship) to gain knowledge, skills and insight into what it would be like to work in that area. Your colleagues will be there to support your learning and growth, showing you multiple areas of the organisation and helping you determine what path you may like to follow.  

You earn a wage whilst learning. The wage may not be the most desirable, but you have to remember that you often have to pay for other forms of education, so this is a real bonus giving you independence whilst you’re studying. This is important as traditional routes like university can leave you in debt for years to come.

It gives opportunities you wouldn’t be able to find elsewhere. A wide range of apprenticeships in different companies, sectors and careers now exist. The opportunity has expanded over the years away from only traditional apprenticeship routes in but now there are opportunities in the tech industry, finance or data analysis. This makes apprenticeships suitable for a large community of people, no matter if you are just starting your career or looking to gain expertise to bring to your existing role.    

I am so pleased to have taken on this apprenticeship alongside my current role within the charity sector. There has never been such a pertinent time to learn all the essentials to become a qualified digital marketer and as I am learning I can incorporate all the skills and knowledge into live projects, helping us drive the programme to achieve the business needs.

Apprenticeships are a real contender to helping you find your way in the professional world, if you are interested in learning more then register to our Apprenticeship community today! 

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