Promoting Apprenticeships in the UK  

Apprenticeships over University

Throughout the years, apprenticeships have become hugely popular. With university enrollments slowing down (not just due to the pandemic).

You may wonder. What is so good about apprenticeships?

  1. You get paid a over minimum wage salary.
  2. You gain experience in the working world
  3. You gain a qualifications whilst working full time
  4. You gain a social life like you would at university

There is multiple level 6 apprenticeships that sponsor your degree whilst you earn money. Which is something that universities are unable to offer as you over the years gain more debt.

Over the years, many companies are enrolling in the exec/apprentice schemes. Meaning there is now more apprenticeships than ever in so many different professions, the stigma of it just being plumbing and physicals roles is long over.

Unless you want to be a vet (which you can probably find an apprenticeship in now) there is more benefits into becoming an apprentice. A lot of young adults are at uni for the “uni experience” which means a good party life. However is a party worth 9k a year? when you can go out on client lunches and social events (especially in the marketing world) every week.

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