Promoting Apprenticeships in the UK  

Apprenticeships provide valuable hands on experience

You may be at a point where you are not quite sure what your next step is going to be. Do you go to university? D you know what you’d want to do at university? Do you want to take a gap year and just work whilst you figure this out? These are such important decisions and there is not just one right answer.

Apprenticeships can be a very valuable solution as they offer many things such as:

– An industry recognized qualification within your field
– Invaluable hands on experience on a daily basis
– Professional Development
– Earning a salary alongside your qualification
– No student debt
– The time it takes to complete some apprenticeships are a lot less than a university degree which is 3 years minimum

There are many available roles in a wide range of fields If you think of a profession you’d like to get into, there’s most definitely an apprenticeship route into that. Take that chance and don’t let anyone tell you there’s only one route!

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