A digital marketing apprenticeship is a structured programme of work-based learning. Apprentices are recruited and trained by members of your team or are members of your existing staff you want to upskill.
Modernise Your Marketing Strategy
Digital marketing is an exciting and ever evolving area, full of opportunities to spread your creative wings. Keeping track of newest developments is always hard and the older we get the harder it is to keep track of changes in technology.
Digital Marketing Apprentices are a great, cost-effective way of refreshing the way you look at your marketing strategy. Apprentices learn about online analytics, Search Engine Optimisation, pay-per-click advertising, among many more skills. All of which can be a fantastic boon to your marketing strategy.
They may bring in fresh perspectives when it comes to social media and other avenues. It all too easy for your team to find themselves stuck for ideas and looking at their shoes for content. Has your company considered TikTok or Instagram? Chances are you’ve been meaning to, but you don’t know where to start or it would be time consuming for your current staff but introducing an apprentice can help increase the pool of cross-generational ideas, diverse life experiences and knowledge.
Data first
As we get further and further into the modern era, we are more and more faced with the very real possibility that we are a commodity, we are data. This gloomy vision of future may seem damning but for your business can be a shining light. Apprentices will learn how to use this data, gleaned from places like your website, Customer Relationship Management systems, Social Media or your newsletter. Data which you most likely were ignore but which can be a valuable source of information which can help you understand your customer base. This data can not only inform marketing strategy but help inform everything from where to open new store fronts, where is a good country to start marketing and much more.
Developing Skills that are right for your business
The biggest advantage though is you will be plucking a fresh-faced marketer from the garden and placing them in your company. They will grow and learn alongside you, they will develop skills based on your needs and therefore you as a business can guide your little flower to a place where they show you off in your best light.
This analogy might seem a little much but I’ve seen how digital marketing apprentices come int a company and help to foster an attitude of learning and development. As your team and primarily the ones working alongside your apprentice, see and hear about the work the apprentice does, they will pick up skills and knowledge they didn’t have before.
Introducing new ideas into your business strategy can have you looking at your Company Goals and stratify and help you to embed the best industry practices into your marketing strategy. Training isn’t simply sitting at your computer watching a PowerPoint in order to gain a qualification but a holistic and business lead enterprise. Training sessions are directly applied to real work projects and woven into the very fabric of their day to day, working lives.
Never been easier
It has never been easier to find an apprentice, young people must now stay in education or be in work up to the age of 19. This means that many school leavers are looking at apprenticeships as a way to earn as they learn. There is also over 1500 apprenticeship training providers and each year this number grows, making easy for you to get on bored. There is also all the knowledge you could ever need available at your fingertips, so there’s no excuse for not knowing how.