Promoting Apprenticeships in the UK  

My Experience as a Multiverse Apprentice

Apprenticeships are in higher demand now than they have ever been, and with that comes an increase in available roles and training providers. I’m currently completing a Digital Marketing apprenticeship at Blue Zoo Animation Studio, through Multiverse, one of the UK’s top apprenticeship training providers. I’ve had a wide range of opportunities because of my training through Multiverse, and I’m passionate about opening these opportunities to others. Keep reading to find out more about my experience as a Multiverse apprentice, and some of the best ways you can develop your skills with the opportunities they provide!


Multiverse currently has 4 Apprentice-led networks for those with shared experiences and their allies. These are the Women’s Network, Multicultural Network, Neurodiversity Network, and PRISM, the LGBTQ+ Network. I’m one of four Chairs of PRISM, and taking part has presented so many opportunities already. Being part of a network provides numerous chances to interact with and get to know other apprentices and alumni who have similar backgrounds and experiences to yourself. From articles and monthly newsletters, to monthly socials and events for key dates, there’s a number of things to do. You also don’t have to be a Chair to contribute, and members are welcome to write articles and contribute as much, or as little, as they’d like.


In addition to Network-specific events, Multiverse also runs a number of Community-wide events for all apprentices and alumni to attend. There are over a dozen different series, ranging from speaker events and workshops, to wellbeing and peer learning events. Apprentices are also openly invited to host these events, and can also be part of the planning process too. I’ve hosted four different events in my time as an apprentice, two of which were interview-style events; my first was an interview with Liz Moseley, a former CMO and publisher and current Partners’ Editor at Tortoise Media, the second was an instalment in the Inspiring Women Series with empowerment expert Ashley T Brundage. I’ve also hosted a ‘Lead and Learn’ workshop for Digital Marketing apprentices on designing impactful newsletters, as well as the launch event for PRISM, a panel discussion on LGBTQ+ employees’ rights. These have been great opportunities to develop my public speaking and confidence, as well as a host of transferable skills that can be applied throughout my apprenticeship and career.

Development Opportunities

Multiverse also offers three different ‘Development Opportunities’: the Elevate programme, the Buddy Scheme, and Mentoring.

The Elevate programme is split over three pathways, with the core focus being the opportunity to access exclusive content and events, develop your transferable skills, and to lead and represent the Multiverse Community. Taking part in Elevate opened a lot of doors for me, including being able to host some of the events I have hosted, writing content for the Community Hub, and leading outreach to promote Multiverse. It’s provided me with the chance to develop and improve many technical and transferable skills, as well as building my professional network and meeting other apprentices.

Additionally, taking part in the Mentoring programme has provided me with two professional mentors who are further along in their careers and able to provide insight and clarity on any problems I’m having. Through being mentored, I have built my confidence in more ways than one, as well as connecting with established professionals who I’ve been able to talk through situations with and plan my career development.


Of course, an apprenticeship isn’t an apprenticeship without the training! Every apprentice is assigned to a cohort of other apprentices who are starting their apprenticeship at the same time, with each cohort having a Coach. Your Coach is your point of contact for everything related to your on-programme training and development, and can also help with any issues you’re having at work. The training and workshop schedule differs for each programme, so I can only speak for Digital Marketing apprentices.

Within the first month of your course starting, you’ll have a week-long Marketing and Digital Marketing Principles Bootcamp, and every month thereafter you’ll have 2/3 half-days of workshops, covering a number of topics including Content Marketing, Social Media, and Google Analytics. You’ll undertake your Digital Marketing Principles exam during months 5/6, and your Google Analytics Individual Qualification in month 7. During month 8, you’ll also have an Intro to Coding Bootcamp and complete your Coding exam – your final exam!

Once you reach 1 year on-programme, you’re able to complete Gateway and submit your portfolio, employer reference, and exam certificates. You’ll then have to complete a Synoptic Project (a live marketing brief to demonstrate your skills), and 1.5/2hr professional interview discussing all of the above.

At any stage in your course, your Coach is always there to support you and help with anything you’re struggling with. You will also meet with them once a month for a 1 to 1, and every 90 days you will meet with both your Coach and Line Manager for a Progress Review.

Undertaking an apprenticeship has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for both my personal and professional development. Being part of the Multiverse Community has only improved this experience, and has opened up a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills that I wouldn’t have been exposed to under most other training providers.


To check out the latest apprenticeship opportunities with Multiverse, click here.

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