First day as an apprentice, scary right? I think the nerves of starting a new job, is the fear of the unknown. Down to the biggest worries – I am going to do well, will I like my new colleges; all the way down to, what if I can’t find the toilet. It’s human nature to feel a mix of emotions before/on your first day but here are a few things that will most likely happen on your first day.
Plan Your Commute
You don’t want to be stressed on your first day – don’t do that to yourself! Know where you are going, you may have moved for this job, or you may be familiar with the location. Make sure you have a clear idea of where you are going and how you are going to get there. This will make your life/start to the day a lot more relaxed and make you feel at ease. It’s okay to turn up a bit early and give yourself an idea of how long the commute is. Rather be early than late, right. Definitely, don’t want to be late on your first day.
First Day Outfit
Don’t know what to wear? Unsure that you may be over dressed/under dressed. Before your first day, you have most likely signed a contract and been given an employee handbook, this will probably have an outline of the dress code and what you should be wearing. There is also no harm in asking a colleague before you come into the office, for some guidance. Worst case scenario I would go, smart-casual – something like jeans and a shirt or jeans and a blouse.
Arriving At The Office
So, you have arrived at the office… It’s more than likely that someone will be waiting to collect you from the lobby/entrance; to show you around/help you sort your pass, to get into the building etc. This person will no doubt be someone from your team, that you will be working closely with, so, it’s a great opportunity to get to know them a bit more and ask any questions. Having a tour of the office is a great way to familiarise yourself with the layout and your surroundings.
Meeting Colleges On Your First Day
Meeting colleagues, I would say is one of the most important things on the first day, that group of people you will be working and interacting with, every working day. So don’t be shy! I know, easier said than done… However, they will have been in your shoes at some point too and you got the job for a reason, so have faith in yourself! Making connections and having a good work relationship with colleagues is a foundation of a healthy workplace environment.
Your Calendar
No day at work is ever going to be the same but I feel like that’s kind of the beauty of it. On your first day, it’s a great opportunity to get familiar with your calendar, what are your reoccurring meetings, every week? When is there time for your focus time? Get used to the platform you are working on, you may have/ may have not used it before, so familiarise yourself with it. This will allow you to be all set and ready for your first full day online

Overall, your first day at a new job is a big thing and a great achievement! You should be proud of yourself, you have got this job for a reason, so believe in yourself. The first day, is all about finding your feet and soaking up the atmosphere and surroundings; it’s okay to ask for help and ask questions, it’s the only way as individuals, that we learn and grow. And… fingers crossed, you will be settled into your new role and routine in no time at all.
For a few more ideas, go and check out this blog for breaking the ice on your first day, nothing like being prepared! More information can be found on our website, just go to the apperentiship section to discover more news, tips and tricks.