We want to build a network of people with a common interest in promoting apprenticeships in the UK. To achieve this, there needs to be some guidelines for producing high-quality and valuable content.
Who can register on the site: People looking for apprenticeships, current apprentices, employers and anyone working for a training provider can register to become an author.
Type of content: Articles should be based on promoting apprenticeships and the skills gained on approved UK apprenticeships.
Guidelines for blog posts:
- Posts should be at least 600 words in length
- Each post should include a featured image that does not infringe on any copyright laws. We recommend using your own original image, creating on canva.com or sourcing a relevant image on unsplash.com
- Blog posts can contain additional images and media as long as they are relevant to the purpose of the site and add value for the reader
- Use Categories and Tags that are relevant to the purpose of The Apprenticeship Network website
- External links can be used but should open in a new tab
- Excessive use of external links to promote other products and services should be avoided unless they are relevant to the purpose of your blog post and The Apprenticeship Network website
- Ideally, posts should be optimised to appear in search engine research pages. You can read more about using WordPress and the Yoast SEO plugin if need more help on this
- For more information on the types of content that you as an apprentice, employer or training provider can post, please have a look at this article
We reserve the right to edit or remove any content or user rights at any time.