Finlay Knott | @finlayknott – Thursday 10th August 2023
” All of a sudden, I went from working in my local chippy to doing SEO for one of the largest clothing retailers in the UK”
Lucy Bedden
Apprenticeships and their popularity have risen, and they’re here to stay. With multiple websites, schools and government actions eyeing in on apprenticeships and doing everything in their will to make sure that the quality is higher and the economic issues we are facing in the UK are being mended, apprenticeships are being a key catalyst for this.

We sat down with the National Apprenticeship Awards winner of 2022 to talk through her Journey of working in her local chippy through to winning the national apprenticeship award within one year and how her employer and training provider were key to honing in on her success.

Our editor Finlay got the chance to sit down with Jess in café Jolene in Hackney, London, we learnt how H&M were able to support her in her fresh career journey in Digital Marketing with no experience at all
” H&M were extremely supportive, they pushed me which got me to where I am today “
Finlay: Lucy, I first of all wanted to say a huge thank you for meeting with me today, I can imagine from going to SEO apprentice for head of SEO for H&M within the UK, your schedule is very busy
Lucy Bedden: No, thank you for having me its an honour to be here, I remember when I was heavily using The Apprenticeship Network always reading the articles trying to become the best apprentice candidate out there, so I must say it feels surreal to be on this end now!
Finlay: Did you find that they helped you when you was applying for apprenticeships then?
Lucy: Yes! 10000% yes! I found the articles from current apprenticeships really useful and the information and tips that they gave were great and I truly feel like they did help me become the best me for the interviews I was going through, I felt so prepped and knew the best way to present myself.
Finlay: It’s great to hear this, knowing that I helped to curate those and someone telling me that they helped fills me with such gratitude, pressure is all on you now to make sure that the information you give will help someone out!
Lucy: Oh gosh don’t say that!
*Joint laughter between us*
Finlay: So, tell me about your interview process at H&M
Lucy: Of course, it was great. H&M were very great at communicating with me what the interview process structure was like and gave me lots of information all about the programme such as Multiverse (the training provider) and types of interviews I was going to face, as well as the expected date for me to hear wether or not I was a successful candidate or not. I was using all resources I could find such as watching YouTube videos during my break working at the chippy and reading articles on SEO also. I wanted to show that I had the knowledge and was determined to get a job in the industry doing SEO.
Finlay: What would be the key advice to give for apprentices apply for roles and conducting interviews based on your experience?
Lucy: It would be to make sure that you are applying for something that you genuinely have an interest in and make sure to demonstrate the knowledge and interest you have, and make sure to read up on other tips from apprentices
Finlay: So, working for H&M, a pretty big global company, what was your experience in how they treated their apprentices?
Lucy: Amazing. I truly felt like I was being treated as an employee there, going to client lunches, speaking in team meetings and also holding team meetings and feeling like my inputs mattered. H&M were extremely supportive, they pushed me which got me to where I am today. Me and my manager truly got along and the click we had enabled for her to wish well upon me, and push me. I am so happy I got to meet her. Along with the support from my coach at multiverse, I felt on top of the world. To look back where I was a year ago to today, it’s just crazy.
Finlay: What was you doing a year ago?
Lucy: A year ago, I was working in my local chippy.
” To look back where I was a year ago to today, it’s just crazy. “

Finlay: So, the national apprenticeship award?! How was that feeling?
Lucy: Insane. I remember the email from my manager being like I think you should apply for this, and I was like what? Me? No, surely not? But then I suppose I’m doing well as I won
Finlay: Yes, a very well done and so it seems well deserved! What was the process like?
Lucy: It was a while since I applied so my memory is a little rusty however I remember sitting down with my manager and going through everything I have done and taking a look at it all, I remember being like wow, I did do all that, and as an apprentice…? I suffered imposter syndrome a lot.
Finlay: Would you mind talking through some of the projects that you worked on that enabled you to be in receipt of the award?
Lucy: I was able to work on the SEO for the whole of EMEA for the H&M Mugler Launch and I was able to go to the Launch party which was surreal. I was constantly working on SEO which prompted a 50% rise in sales for our summer launches and another highlight I have is in the works right now so I cannot say unfortunately…
Finlay: Can I hear after?
Lucy: Of course! Don’t repeat it though!
(I can confirm that the launch of this project will be for sure one to look out for)
” I was able to work on the SEO for the whole of EMEA for the H&M Mugler Launch ”
Finlay: Lucy, our time here is running out, so lastly I must ask your opinions on the future of apprenticeships in the perspective of apprentices and also employers.
Lucy: Wow, what a great question. I need a minute to think on this one
I think for employers, its key that they have apprentices, and their business will struggle without them. They bring in so much insight and helps the business and economy thrive, and majority of the time, apprentices will be hired into their company, so its a circular investment.
I would urge employers to research a good training provider as this can make or break the apprenticeship. From my experience, multiverse was a great one and I cannot recommend them enough. But remember there are many more out there so just take the time to research.
For apprentices/candidates: Just keep on going. You are the face of change and you might not realise it. What you are doing for the companies you are all working for and also the economy is amazing. Please spread the word and encourage wherever you go next to implement an apprenticeship scheme. I will be personally. Oh, and make sure to subscribe to the apprenticeship network!
Finlay: Yes, I agree very much on the last point! Thank you for everything Lucy, there’s some great stuff in here Lucy
Lucy: No thank you! It was an honour.
” Keep on going. You are the face of change “
A huge thank you to Lucy. Such an inspiration to many; please if you have the time, Google her, some of her achievements are phenomenal.
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