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Level 4 – Software Developer


The Software Developer role is responsible for building and testing high quality code for software on behalf of the business

As a software developer, you are in responsible for understanding a client’s requirements as provided in their design specification and then to build and test high quality code, to deliver the best outcome. This includes:

  • Compartmentalising tasks into logical units of work to increase productivity and function
  • Data gathering and reporting on the performance of the software
  • Identify impediments and issues that the software may face so that they can be dealt with swiftly and effectively
  • Convert client requirements into technical requirements
  • Write logical and clear code for the software, managing and measuring performance
  • Run suitable  and constant software tests to check performance and optimise

Software Developer Competencies

The job role consists of various duties that require a range of competencies. Some examples are:

  • Apply logical and constructive thinking
  • Effectively communicate with staff in other roles, working collaboratively to achieve goals
  • Acts with integrity with respect to ethical, legal and regulatory ensuring the protection of personal data, safety and security
  • Show initiative and take responsibility of work tasks
  • Effective use of IT tools and Software

Software Developer Entry Requirements

English and Maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3

Exam Modules

By the end of the program an assessment is conducted after the completion of a Portfolio, A work based project and lastly a professional discussion regarding the work that has been done in the programme

To find out more information and resources about the apprenticeships click here

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