Hey, my name is Jaime O’Halloran, and I am 10 months into my apprenticeship with Multiverse working under an Omnicom Media Group agency called hearts and science!
In this blog I will be detailing you about my apprentice experience and why YOU should go down the apprenticeship path if you are feeling unsure about your future options.
The back story
I have always been unsure about what I wanted to do after education, and this was quite worrying to me as I knew all my friends were so excited to go off to university and start new lives in new cities. Sure the ‘university experience ‘did very much appeal to me, who wouldn’t be appealed to living with their friends, meeting new people and going out having fun?. However, I knew the having fun part would not be sustainable for 3 years and I would find myself stressing over deadlines. I did not want my whole life to be education anymore I felt that it was time to step into the real working world and start to make a career for myself and this turned out to be the right decision.
Road to an apprenticeship
After I finished my A-Levels I had a full-time job in accounting for two years as I didn’t find any apprenticeships that appealed to me. One day that all changed when I sat down on my laptop and thought ‘ I need a change’ so I searched the internet for a while and found multiverse. Multiverse offer a lot of apprentice schemes in different sectors such as business admin, data analyst and the one I chose digital marketing.
Why Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is the future! In the next few years everything possible will be on the internet like some of the most important things in the word such as money. I believe cash will be extinct in the next 20 years and we will only be paying for items with our phone or watch and maybe glasses! With all this thinking I thought Digital would be the best choice for me as I wanted to be part of the digital future.
My Current Apprenticeship
Currently I work within the Programmatic team within Hearts and science, and I am loving every second of it. Hearts truly appreciates apprentices with the culture it has and really makes you feel part of the company. I have made friends with people my age and people a bit older than me XD but that is the fun of an apprenticeship, you will meet tons of new people in different stages of their life’s, and you can learn a lot from them rather than being in university and only talking to people around the same age as you and studying the same things.
The Obvious apprentice benefits
Here is a list of benefits I have picked up from my time of being an apprentice.
- No Uni Debt
- Earn a good amount of money whilst also learning
- Paid for qualification
- Meet a ton of new people
- Social work events (Amazing Parties)
- Work experience ahead of university students (experience matters!!)
Whilst an apprenticeship might not be for everyone, I encourage everyone reading this to go online and look into one, your opinion could change a lot, don’t worry about what your friends are doing and what your friends think, It is your life!
Feel free to contact me about apprenticeships at o%E2%80%https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaime-o%E2%80%99halloran-70a3a6214/99halloran-70a3a6214/