Promoting Apprenticeships in the UK  

School’s Out – Off to Uni! Like Everyone Else… Right?

School’s Out – Off to Uni! Like Everyone Else… Right?

Well… to be clear straight off the bat, not exactly. There is no right or wrong answer to this question.

In fact, options outside of university have been ruling since the medieval ages – can you believe it?! But for some reason, the 20th-21st centuries have walked a few steps backwards to push a focus majorly towards university. Boohoo to an apprenticeship.

Apprenticeships in England can be traced back to the medieval craft guilds in the Middle Ages, originating from the custom of upper class parents sending children away to live with host families.

(A short history of apprenticeships in England: from medieval craft guilds to the twenty-first century, James Mirza-Davies, March 2015)

A Short Story

I speak from experience when I say that I thought university was my only option to start my career path, back in 2018. Throughout the last year of sixth form, there were multiple university fairs and classes centred around applying for university. I can hardly remember any mentions of anything other than ‘uni’ ‘university’ ‘degree’. I even had to sit through a class of how to set up a UCAS account. This alone drilled the fact that I HAD to go to university into my head.

From Autumn 2023, UCAS will expand its service so that young people can see more personalised options, including apprenticeships. From 2024, students will then be able to apply for apprenticeships alongside degrees, so that they can decide which route suits them best.

6 ways we’re widening access to apprenticeships, The Education Hub, GOV.UK

There’s More To Life than a Degree?!

I’ve met a lot of students in the same boat. However, right now, it feels like apprenticeships are finally being shed in a good light again, just as they were a hundred years ago. And that includes the standard Level 3 Apprenticeships all the way to Degree (yes, you read that right) Apprenticeships.

From talk of the ridiculously high costs of university fees to graduates ending up in jobs that aren’t relevant to their degree, apprenticeships have become a hot topic of 2023. And the number of apprenticeship providers is also rising, including councils. Find below just a few of the popular names you may recognise:

So, you know, if you aren’t 100% about which degree to go for (because I sure wasn’t at 17!), just be aware of the fact that there are plenty of fish in the sea – and I am not talking about romantic relationships! You can even pursue a degree apprenticeship if you wish to. Learning while on the job, getting paid AND earning a degree? Now that’s priceless (literally).

Find out more at The Apprentice Network through other apprentice stories and for information and guidance, click here.

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