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Starting an Apprenticeship

5 Things to Do in the First Month

Congratulations on embarking on your apprenticeship journey! Being an apprentice is an exciting time, full of learning, connection, and growth. However, it can also be daunting, and you are bound to come across challenges along the way. To set you up for success, the first month of your apprenticeship is crucial for setting a strong foundation. From my own experience as an apprentice, here are the top five things I recommend doing in those first four weeks.

Get to Know Your Manager

Hopefully this happens on day one, but getting to know your manager is one of the fundamental things you should prioritise. Set up a schedule of regular one-on-one meetings, and make sure in those first weeks to discuss your role, responsibilities, and expectations. This is also an excellent opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insights into the company’s culture. Building a positive relationship with your manager early on will pave the way for effective communication throughout your apprenticeship. When difficulties come up along the way, your manager will be a valuable resource. It’s therefores essential to begin laying these foundations from day one. 

Start Figuring Out your Time Management Strategy

Balancing work, study, and personal commitments is no easy feat. No-one’s expecting you to have time management figured out in the first month! However, this is a great opportunity to try out some different methods, especially in those first few weeks when you’re settling in. Do you like to use pen and paper, or are you a digital first person? The great thing is, you’ll have more time in your first month for researching strategies. Have you heard of time blocking, the pomodoro method, and productivity apps? When you have work and study projects competing for your attention, you will be grateful you started to figure out what works for you in those early weeks. 

Connect With Other Apprentices

Don’t underestimate the power of networking within your apprentice community. Your fellow apprentices are a valuable resource for providing support and advice. This can be especially useful if there aren’t many of you at your particular company. Keep an eye out for opportunities to connect, either through company-sponsored events, online forums, or social gatherings. You’re all in the same boat, so when you have worries in the workplace, or exam-related questions, your apprenticeship network can provide invaluable support. 

Attend Your First Learning Session

It is quite likely that your first month will include your first learning session to supplement your on-the-job experience. Make sure to attend with enthusiasm and an open mind – and any questions you’ve been wondering. Your coach will notice if you are engaging in discussions, participating in activities, and taking any relevant notes, and they’ll appreciate seeing how engaged you are. 

Get Excited!

While you’re going to be feeling plenty of different emotions during the first month, make sure one of those is excitement! This is the start of an amazing journey, and often marks the start of a new career path. Whenever worries pop up along the way, remember that you don’t need to have it all figured out just yet. Your main priority is simply meeting new people and beginning to absorb some of the information being thrown your way. Every experience, whether big or small, will contribute to your personal and professional development. By holding onto that enthusiasm, you’ll be in a great position to approach any situation. 

The first month of your apprenticeship sets the tone for your entire experience – but that doesn’t need to be a scary thing! By meeting your manager, mastering time management, connecting with fellow apprentices, attending learning sessions, and approaching each day with excitement, you’ll lay a solid foundation for a fulfilling and successful apprenticeship. Embrace this unique opportunity, and let your apprenticeship journey begin!

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