First Day As An Apprentice, What It Might Look Like?

First Day As An Apprentice, What It Might Look Like?

First day as an apprentice, scary right? I think the nerves of starting a new job, is the fear of the unknown. Down to the biggest worries – I am going to do well, will I like my new colleges; all the way down to, what if I can’t find the toilet. It’s human nature to feel a mix of emotions before/on your first day but here are a few things that will most likely happen on your first day. Plan Your Commute You don’t want to be stressed on your first day – don’t do that to yourself! Know…
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Recruiting an apprentice: FAQs

Recruiting an apprentice: FAQs

As an employer finding new talent that has the relevant skills, experience and drive can be a challenge. This can be costly, especially in the current jobs market, where demand for certain skills is higher than ever. A report by the Open University finds that 91% of UK companies struggle to find workers with the right skills. As a result this is costing them a collective £6.33 billion a year. The best way to tackle this shortage is to provide training and development opportunities to your existing employees, or to hire apprentices. Apprentices work similarly to your other employees, but…
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Changing careers? Heres an alternative route to Google

Changing careers? Heres an alternative route to Google

Changing career is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly however a well planned move can turn out to be incredibly rewarding. Whatever you reason for wanting a change - whether you've reached your limits and are struggling to progress or you after a new challenge - The Apprentice Network is a great place to find resources about new opportunities. Taking on an apprenticeship course is a great way to find an entry level position in a corporation that may otherwise seem unapproachable. This doesn't mean an apprenticeship is easy to get, nor should the recruiting process be underestimated, however,…
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