The New Face of Apprenticeships

Historically, apprenticeships have been associated with traditional trades such as construction, plumbing, or carpentry. While these industries continue to employ apprentices, the scope of apprenticeship programmes has significantly expanded. In the modern world, apprenticeships have become an integral part of industries like digital technology, healthcare, finance, and more. This broadening of horizons not only presents an array of opportunities for apprentices but also allows industries to tap into fresh, eager talent. Digital Skills for the Digital Age With the digital revolution fundamentally changing the way we work, it's unsurprising that there has been a surge in demand for digital skills.…
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5 Reasons You Need to Hire Apprentices

With added bonus tips on how to employ apprentices the RIGHT way In today's ever-changing global marketplace, it has never been more critical to keep up with the times. Over half of UK businesses are currently experiencing a shortage of key skills in the workplace, an issue holding back growth in the market.  1. Apprenticeships help reduce the skills shortage. As the world becomes more technical, businesses want a blend of practical know-how along with qualifications that we can trust.  Enter apprenticeships. They are vetted and targeted by employers. Formal education while gaining on-the-job experience is a brilliant way for…
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