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Time Management Made Easy: How To Balance Work And Studying As An Apprentice

It’s not always easy trying to manage your day-to-day life. With such chaotic schedules there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day – let alone being an apprentice working and studying at the same time. If you are considering an apprenticeship, you are definitely going to have your hands full. Read more for 5 top tips on how to balance your time during an apprenticeship.

1. To-Do Lists

To-Do lists are without a doubt one of the best and most effective methods for allowing you to maximize your time throughout the day. Make sure that you start each day by writing a to-do list of all of your tasks so that you have a clear idea of what needs to be actioned. Then, as you complete a task you can cross it off the list and ease your mind by knowing you have one less thing to worry about. This works for both studies and work – personally, I would have two separate lists, one for each. When you are making your to-do lists, it is best to prioritize the tasks in order of those that need to be completed first as this will reduce stress and allow you to focus on the tasks that are most important.

2. Communication

Communication is key. It is essential that you have clear communication with your manager and work team, as well as your apprenticeship team. This means notifying your manager of any exams, training or time allocated specifically towards your apprenticeship as this will allow you to only focus on your qualification in that set time. It is also good to be able to differentiate day-to-day work from your apprenticeship studies.

3. Breaks

Making sure you take short breaks throughout the day is such an important step in ensuring that you maximize your time. This allows you to take time away from your work to ease your mind for a few minutes and come back feeling refreshed. 10 minute breaks every couple of hours would be hugely beneficial. In addition to this, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating throughout the day as when you are hungry and thirsty you are less likely to remain focused.

4. Routines

Creating routines is something that will have a huge impact on your time management. By doing so, you can structure your day and train your brain to work more efficiently by having a good process of working. By having a routine, this will also have a positive effect on other aspects of your life such as your social time because you will be able to work this time around your work life easier.

5. Distractions

I know that this can be difficult but it is super important to try and block out any potential distractions as this allows you to maximize your time. By switching of your phone, TV and other devices you can focus your attention on your work – resulting in optimum results! Other distractions could be sitting in a room with other people who may want to chat to you, so if you can, sit alone in a quiet room when studying.

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