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Top Tips for an Apprenticeship

Top Tips for an Apprenticeship

How do you know if you’re doing the right thing when there’s hundreds of options? Things can get very overwhelming very quickly. So, what can you do when trying to look for an apprenticeship?

There’s plenty of things to consider, such as what course to do and what company to work for. The list could be endless.

Everyone will have a different experience of finding an apprenticeship, there’s not one set path. These are my own experiences and opinions, but hopefully my insight will help you along in your searches!

Without further ado, here are my top tips for surviving an apprenticeship.

Apprenticeship Top Tips

  1. Figure out what subject area you want to go into.
    The bright side of doing an apprenticeship is that there are many options. From education and childcare, to business, administration and law. The possibilities are endless. However, if you’re a little indecisive, it can be a little hard to decide when there are so many options.
  2. See if there are any companies you want to work for.
    Not every company does apprenticeships, but you’ll find a large majority do. See if there are any companies you are particularly passionate for and give it a go! There are companies such as Google, Virgin Media, and BBC.
  3. Take every opportunity to learn something outside of your job role.
    This is jumping ahead a bit from applying and looking for apprenticeships, however a good bit of advice nonetheless. There are a lot of responsibilities as an apprentice, but give yourself the opportunity to learn everything you can. Make the most of what you are doing and ask questions. Talk to other teams, find out how other processes work. Even if you don’t fully understand it, sometimes having the context of what is happening is beneficial
  4. Take part in events if you can.
    I’m still learning this myself, but attending work events can be incredibly helpful to get to know more people in the company. It is a little daunting, but overall there are some wonderful events that don’t have to be work-related and a great opportunity to get to know people.
  5. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
    Work can get very stressful, but a key thing to remember is that you are an apprentice. You aren’t expected to get everything perfect and it’s a good idea to ask people for help when you are stuck. It’s an oldie, but making mistakes will help you learn from them. Even asking for clarification can be invaluable for making sure you understand a task, so don’t worry about being a bother because your managers will appreciate it too!
  6. Connect with people on LinkedIn.
    LinkedIn. The Business Facebook of social media. It’s something I wasn’t familiar with before starting work, but LinkedIn is really valuable for keeping track of people you work with as well as any updates they give. It’s a brilliant way to keep on top of what is happening in your industry, your company and what other companies are doing. Make sure you keep your profile updated as well because you never know who may be looking…

And there you have it! My top tips for surviving an apprenticeship. There’s more tips rattling around in my head, but I will save that for another blog post for another time.

I think the most important thing to keep in mind when looking for an apprenticeship is that you go in with an open mind. With so many options, you really can try everything and the core aim of an apprenticeship is to help you learn. Whilst work is important, make sure to take that time to attend talks and get to know people.

More Resources

There are plenty of other blog posts where other apprentices have shared their thoughts and experiences of apprenticeships. Take some time to check out their experiences and thoughts.

Here are some of my favourite ones:
5 Reasons to pursue an Apprenticeship by Aiesha Bhagodia
Apprenticeships are for everyone! by Alice Everett
The Apprenticeship Network by Jomi Ogunremi
Recruiting an Apprentice by Maria Saarnit

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