Promoting Apprenticeships in the UK  

What it’s like being an apprentice

What is an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a program where apprentices are able to gain invaluable experience in the workplace whilst also getting paid to do so, and to also study for a qualification.

Why should you do an apprenticeship over going to university?

There are many reasons as to why you should consider becoming an apprentice, instead of taking on further education. 

One of them being that you can earn money whilst learning, and gaining experience that would be hard to get in a university setting, at the same time. 

You’re able to network with people within the industry that you work in, people that would be hard to reach otherwise. 

Once your apprenticeship finishes, you won’t leave with just a qualification, but invaluable experiences that you may have never gone through.

Apprentices must spend 20% of their time in an ‘off the job’ role, this allows apprentices to get experience that stretches outside their team.

There are multiple levels of apprenticeships, ranging from level 2 to level 7. So no matter your previous level of education, there is an apprenticeship that will suit you.


In my opinion, if you have the opportunity to take on an apprenticeship in an industry that is hard to get your foot in the door of. Then you should definitely take a leap of faith, and go against the norm of further education. 

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