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Why did I choose to go down the route of an apprenticeship instead of university?

My Story which leads me to a Digital Marketer-

My name is Hadeeka, and I will be summing up my story of how I landed a digital marketing apprenticeship for one of the leading media companies in the world and why I chose to go down this route. I’m sure most of you would agree that growing up we are taught the norm is finishing college / doing A-levels and going to university to become a graduate. Growing up I was never made aware that there are alternative routes after finishing school instead of the traditional route of university. Due to this, I applied for a place in university, alongside most of the rest of my year group. Having attended all my interviews, I realised this isn’t for me. I would much rather do something which will give me hands-on experience, a salary, and the opportunity to learn while I work!

I knew there wasn’t much representation of apprenticeships and when I was doing my research I came across an article on the UCAS website which said, “A third of students and only half in colleges said that they were not told about apprenticeships, despite there being a legal requirement placed on schools to do so” I hope this changes and more people are made aware of the opportunities available to them. Doing an apprenticeship was one of the most rewarding experiences, and I couldn’t recommend it enough!

After School, decided to take a gap year and during this time have done a lot of research to see what else is out there. I came across the apprenticeship network website and found heaps of information about apprenticeships and all the different courses available. The selling point for me was that if I chose to do this not only will I be earning a qualification but also a competitive salary! I spent hours reading through the blogs and there was nothing but positive feedback. I was so quick to press the sign-up button and ready to find my dream job.

Marketing has always interested me and I am a very creative person, so when I saw that digital marketing was a course that is offered, I knew this was for me. I assumed finding and getting accepted for an apprenticeship would be extremely difficult and competitive, however, I was able to; sign up, create my account, got offered multiple interviews, and got a job all in the space of 2 months! This all wouldn’t have been possible without the endless support I received from the team at apprentice network team from the get-go.  

I am now 10 months into my apprenticeship and now only have 2 months to go, this really has been the best experience and I wouldn’t miss it if I was you! Below I have listed the main benefits of being an apprentice from my personal experience.

5 Benefits of being an apprentice: 
  1. Able to gain hands-on experience whilst you work alongside a team of experienced professionals
  2. You are eligible for student discount, entitled to an NUS student discount card which offers deals across many restaurants, shops, gyms and so much more!
  3. You will be getting paid a competitive salary to learn and will be gaining an industry-recognised qualification (between 17-25K!)
  4. There are a range of careers to choose from and go into and even more, are being introduced
  5. This is an opportunity to improve your employability
  6. You will be able to enjoy your holidays – receive all employer benefits
  7. Benefit from ongoing and personalised support
  8. Develop your skills

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