Back when our parents had to make the decision of what they were going to do after their A levels, going to university for the vast majority seemed like the only option. Luckily, nowadays there are more options, and more and more young adults are taking a step away from the world of university and a step into the world of an apprenticeship and you can see why!
Unsure whether University is right for you? Try an apprenticeship, you won’t be disappointed
Towards the end of my A levels, much like all of the other students in my year group, I had to make a decision in what I wanted to do next in life, post A levels, whether that be university or an apprenticeship. I weighed up the pros and cons of each, but in the end I decided upon an apprenticeship, a decision that looking back on, I am very happy with.
Sure, going to university sounds fun, going out most nights partying to the early hours with friends, moving away from home to live on campus and experience new freedoms that you’ve never had before, but what about the other side to university? The long hours of studying for your course, with constant essays, exams, lectures and seminars. I don’t know about you, but after my GCSE’s and A Levels I was bored of exams and essays and I couldn’t wait to start an apprenticeship and not have to do essays and exams every other week. Equally, with university there is the main factor of the debt you will entail for going, even if you stay at home whilst at university, for a 3 year course, you are looking at paying £27,750 (£9,250 per year), which is a lot of debt for any 22 year old to take on, come the end of their degree.
With an apprenticeship on the other hand, you get the opportunity to make money whilst working, in which most employers pay good salaries that young adults are happy to receive. If for example you come out of your A levels and start an apprenticeship in your chosen field as soon as possible, and are payed between £16,000 – £24,000 per annum, which are averages for the going rate that employers pay their apprentices, then by the time your mates finish university 3 years later and are in a minimum of -£27,750 debt for the course alone, you will have made upwards of at least somewhere between £48,000 – £72,000 over those 3 years, maybe even more if you have a shorter apprenticeship and then get offered a permanent position within the company within those 3 years. That sounds great doesn’t it?

Apprenticeships offer an invaluable on the job learning experience
Apprenticeships also give you invaluable experience within the workplace, that university just doesn’t give. Going into the office, building relationships with new people, building future connections, constantly learning new things from your colleagues, university just doesn’t compare in this aspect. Not to mention the fact that with an apprenticeship you have the chance to really make an impression on the company your working for, which if you do well enough, the company is more than likely going to keep you employed after the apprenticeship, allowing you to gain even more years of experience in your chosen field.
If my employer doesn’t keep me on, what will I do? I hear you asking, well not to worry because you would’ve gained a least a years worth of experience, probably more depending on the length of your apprenticeship, and that will set you up perfectly for finding another job in the same industry, or even a different industry if you decide it’s not for you, as you would’ve picked up so many transferable skills that employers look for.
Again, when you compare it to university, university students will be finishing their degrees struggling to find a job in their chosen sector, due to a lack of experience, but as an apprentice you would’ve gained lots of experience and picked up many skills in the workplace that would more times than not make yourself more employable to employers than a university student.
So what are you waiting for? If your like me and are having any of the doubts that I had about university, then an apprenticeship might be just right for you, so go out and grab the opportunity by the horns and from someone who has completed an apprenticeship, trust me there more than worth it. To find out more about how the Apprenticeship Network can help you in securing your dream apprenticeship click here.