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What is an apprenticeship?

What is an apprenticeship?


You may think you know all there is to know about an apprenticeship, or you may not have a clue whatsoever how they work!

So, today I’ll be giving an overview as to what they are, how they work, what roles you can do, as well as explaining why they’re so valuable.

What is an apprenticeship and how do they work?

For those who really don’t know, apprenticeships are essentially a job and studying combined.

Often, you’ll work 80% of your weekly hours, with 20% dedicated to study and learning time. The time studying can include a range of activities; for example, it can be spent on personal development, or learning key skills, or perhaps it’s consolidating your knowledge an applying what you’ve learnt to your day to day job. On the flip side, your time working for a company will mean you’re treated like every other colleague, with the chance to showcase your skills and have an impact in your team’s brilliant work. Many companies now offer these schemes, and these are only increasing as time goes on.

The roles can vary from careers in finance, to marketing, to more practical and hands on jobs. People are beginning to realise their worth as they mean that you’re earning work experience, as well as a qualification, while getting paid to do so! Which leads me on nicely to the great benefits of apprenticeships and why you should consider one.


Why are apprenticeships so valuable?

The main benefit of apprenticeships is that you are gaining a qualification, and earning valuable work experience. Unlike university, you don’t pay to study for a degree, and the scheme pays you to study instead.

Sounds like a win right?

Also, you have a lot more variation in choice as to what type of qualification you’d like. If education was never for you, you can find a scheme that offers a level two or level three qualification. These might last just a year or two, rather than a lengthy three or four year degree.

Of course, this means apprenticeships are highly competitive, and take a lot of work to apply to with quite lengthy processes. It also means you’ll need good time management skills so you can effectively balance your studies and work duties to find the ideal split.

If I’m still not convincing you, check out What are the benefits of an apprenticeship? ( for more great benefits.

So, an apprenticeship sounds like a good route, what do I do next?

To start you off on your apprentice journey, first register with The Apprenticeship Network today.

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