There is mounting pressure on young people to decide on their careers as early as possible, start making money as quickly as they can, and progress up their chosen career ladder without a second thought. But launching your career is difficult and not always a linear pathway. While enrolling in university and earning a degree the traditional way still holds much value, apprenticeships are quickly gaining traction in the UK as not only being an equivalent alternative, but in many cases a better one. Here we’re breaking down the main differences between the two so you can make an informed decision about which option is right for you.
Financing your career
Let’s start with the big one. Finances are often the number one consideration for people when deciding whether they want to attend university or not. And it’s no secret that tuition fees are astronomical. Not only that, but they’re set to increase. Not to mention that currently, cost of living is abominable. Therefore, it’s no wonder people are second guessing pursuing a university degree.
Doing an apprenticeship actually gives you the opportunity to make money. You can do this whilst gaining real, firsthand experience that can’t be simulated in a classroom environment. In addition, you’ll be entitled to employee benefits like paid annual leave as well as some pretty nice compensation packages. Click here to see the UK government’s top list of apprenticeship providers.

If you’re not entirely sure what you want to pursue as a career yet, university is a good option because it allows you the freedom to explore a number of different fields. However, if you’re a little bit more certain about the type of industry you want to end up in, apprenticeships are the best place to start. Not only do you gain experience, but you can start building out your network. This can enable you to get ahead of the game by a couple of years.
Be sure to stay up-to-date with everything on The Apprenticeship Network to know about all the best opportunities available. To view our previous blogs, click here.