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Is an apprenticeship worth it?

Want to join me on my pathway to working with one of the biggest media agencies in the world? I will be writing about how I got to where I’m at now. This is how I became a digital marketing apprentice and what my daily life is like.

Application Process

After completing my BTEC Business course in during college I was juggling a few part time jobs, hobbies and my future career around. I had found a passion for baking and becoming a makeup artist however I didn’t realize a huge thing I was doing every single day of my life. It was marketing on my social media platforms! Little did I know that this was an actual career I could persevere in. I leapt towards the first opportunity I found on the Apprenticeship Network website and applied for the first role I found . After that phone call of hearing the words ” Congratulations on your application ” I instantly shared the news on social media.

After the application process we had single interviews over a zoom meeting. I then received this job throughout the global pandemic working flexibly from home. Soon after the completion of my probation period, it was a relief to know I passed and I’m now sat here writing this article to urge YOU to join the Apprenticeship Network.

Working in the media agency

Having worked in various workplaces before coming into the marketing industry was a huge change. You have more flexibility, getting to go to social events, networking 24/7 and even having the assistance of your colleagues. Working in this industry helped me become more independent. It also boosted my communications skills as there’s always something new to learn every single day. The support I received was amazing and my team always checked in on me regularly which made me confident .

Working in a huge agency meant that I had access to not only learning one sector of marketing but several. These include E-commerce, Display and even PPC. This helped me to understand the different areas in the industry. Also how it would help me further build my career as I will learn it at such a young age and put it into practice in the future if need be. There was also a range of platforms I was able to access as well as gaining qualifications on the way; watching inspiring talks and videos on my apprenticeship site to further develop my career.

The real truth

My advice to you, Stop what you doing and apply NOW! I didn’t look back once. This apprenticeship scheme did not only give me the keys to a door to unlock my future but it gave me the opportunity to find several other careers within a similar industry. In marketing you will always be rewarded for your hard work.

  1. Finally, the thing I wanted to write about the most was an excuse to get a coffee subscription, and going to the office every other day helped me put the subscription to use!
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The only way you will learn is by asking questions, even if it is repetitive or may seem like a silly question. Ask away! What’s the worse that could happen? Absolutely nothing! When you ask questions it helps you learn more information, to acquire more knowledge, and also to eliminate confusion within our minds.
  3. Prepare for interviews. Ensure you do your full research about the company as well as the role you are going to be doing. Being more prepared will relieve stress as well as further developing your knowledge for the interview. Watch some interviews online as well and ask yourself questions in the mirror and maintain a professional demeanor.
  4. BUILD your network. You will meet many people whilst working in the marketing industry, making connections with others even if it’s just a small hello everyday can help you in the future. LinkedIN is a huge social platform, so what are you waiting for ? Apply for an apprenticeship on Apprenticeship Network and build your network along the way.

Thank you for reading my article, if you would like to apply to apprenticeship roles please find all current roles on

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