Upskill Your Career Today!

Introduction In today's rapidly evolving world, the concept of upskilling is seen as a vital solution, to bridge the gap between existing skills and developing new ones. Upskilling is the process of learning new skills and adapting them, so you can thrive in the workplace. More employers are encouraging their employees to upskill on their careers and develop their skills. Do Apprenticeships Have an Age Limit? Apprenticeships can be seen only for students finishing school or coming out of university. However on the UK government website, the age for starting apprenticeships has changed in recent years. In 2021/22 47% of…
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Why I Chose to Become an Apprentice

Why I Chose to Become an Apprentice

My name is Layla. Today, I'm sharing my reasons for becoming an apprentice with The Apprenticeship Network. Since I was about 12-years-old, I had a clear idea of what I wanted my future to look like: studying hard to get good A-Levels, getting into a good university, and then spending the span of my future working life trying to change the world. My plan seemed simple enough, and I had the skills to make my dream a reality. But life has a strange way of not going exactly to plan... "I really wanted to contribute something to the world." At…
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