Upskill Your Career Today!

Introduction In today's rapidly evolving world, the concept of upskilling is seen as a vital solution, to bridge the gap between existing skills and developing new ones. Upskilling is the process of learning new skills and adapting them, so you can thrive in the workplace. More employers are encouraging their employees to upskill on their careers and develop their skills. Do Apprenticeships Have an Age Limit? Apprenticeships can be seen only for students finishing school or coming out of university. However on the UK government website, the age for starting apprenticeships has changed in recent years. In 2021/22 47% of…
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How Apprentices Can Grow Your Business

How Apprentices Can Grow Your Business

Apprentices can play a crucial role to agencies. By bringing fresh perspectives, new skills, and ideas. Here are some ways in which apprentices can grow your business: Innovation Apprentices often bring a creative ideas untouched by years of industry norms. Their new ideas and approaches can ignite creativity amongst peers. Diversity Apprentices can bring diverse views and backgrounds. Creating an inclusive work environment. This can lead to better insights into consumer needs. Research While apprentices may not have the same level of experience, they are eager to learn. They can assist with market research, competitor analysis, and data collection. Giving…
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Unlocking Your Potential: The 8 Best Apprenticeship Benefits

We are now in a world where traditional education paths are no longer the only gateway to a future of success. Apprenticeships are now an exciting alternative for people seeking to begin a career and unleash their potential. The advantages of apprenticeships go far beyond just gaining skills; they offer a rounded learning and life experience that paves the way for a fulfilling future. 1. Hands-On Learning One of the most significant advantages of an apprenticeship is the opportunity for hands-on learning. As an apprentice you get to dive straight into the heart of your chosen field, gaining practical experience…
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Is Uni not for you? Apprenticeships may be what you are looking for.

Is Uni not for you? Apprenticeships may be what you are looking for.

Do you not have anything planned after you've finished school and are wondering what path is for you? Well, don't worry you are not alone in this. Most people don't have a clear plan of the direction that they want to go into. This is where an apprenticeship could be perfect for you and I will tell you why: Networking Apprenticeships are a great way to network and meet like-minded people trying to find their way in a similar industry. If you are looking at apprenticeship agencies some will even provide you with a platform where you can communicate, meet…
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Why an Apprentice will benefit your company

Why an Apprentice will benefit your company

The idea of taking on an apprentice may sound intimidating but apprenticeship are an exciting opportunity for all involved. It's a win-win situation. There are many amazing benefits from hiring an apprentice but here are just a few to convince you. Variety of roles There are so many different learning programs for apprentices out there. Each designed to teach them the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed for an occupation. Every program is designed to fit both the provider and the employer. From Dental nursing to Digital marketing. Anyone over the age of 16, who’s living in England, can apply for…
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Your Guide to Finding the Best Opportunity for Your Career

Are you a student looking to start your career with an apprenticeship? Or maybe you're an employer looking to hire the best talent in the UK? Look no further! In this article, we'll guide you through the top 15 apprenticeship programs in the UK, helping you find the best opportunity for your career. Best apprenticeships in the UK If you're looking for the best apprenticeships in the UK, look no further than the government-funded apprenticeships. These programs offer a range of opportunities for school leavers, college graduates, and non-traditional students. They provide practical, on-the-job training, giving you the skills and…
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How being an Apprentice benefits you and your company!

How being an Apprentice benefits you and your company!

For students now coming towards the end of their studies or currently in university struggling, becoming an apprentice couldn't be a more perfect option for kickstarting your working career. How so you may ask? Apprenticeships are becoming more favoured than ever in the world of work in recent years. Many more students and even adults of 25+ are taking on apprenticeships as a result of not recieving sufficient education at university or wanting to push themselves on further in their career in order to gain a stronger skillset. So what are the benefits of being an apprentice? You are paid…
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Why I Chose to Become an Apprentice

Why I Chose to Become an Apprentice

My name is Layla. Today, I'm sharing my reasons for becoming an apprentice with The Apprenticeship Network. Since I was about 12-years-old, I had a clear idea of what I wanted my future to look like: studying hard to get good A-Levels, getting into a good university, and then spending the span of my future working life trying to change the world. My plan seemed simple enough, and I had the skills to make my dream a reality. But life has a strange way of not going exactly to plan... "I really wanted to contribute something to the world." At…
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